Learn the choreo
Full season (May 5th- June 28th): 850 ddk
Drop in: 125 DDK
Level: All
*Open for all genders
English below//
Learn the Choreo er det ultimative dansehold for dem, der ønsker at træde ind i den glamourøse verden af burlesque og mestre de ikoniske koreografier fra Sweet Burlesque. Dette hold er designet til dansere på alle niveauer og lover en spændende rejse gennem tidløse numre som "Moonglove", "Cherry Pie", "Sail", "Copacabana", "Filthy", "Candy Man", og "Stepping out". Her får du mulighed for at opleve eller genopleve historien om Sweet Burlesque via de mest ikoniske koreografier gennem tiden.
6 maj: Stepping Out - Tony award (Hat, stok, stol)
13 maj: Sail (stol og selvsiddende strømper)
20 maj: Cherry Pie (Handsker og selvsiddende strømper)
27 maj: Moonglove (Boa)
3 juni: Copacabana (Fjer vifter)
10 juni: Candy man (Stok)
17 juni: Rock DJ (Handsker)
24 juni: Filthy (Panel skirt)
Hvorfor vælger dette hold?
Lær de ikoniske burlesque koreografier fra Sweet Burlesque.
Forbedre kropsbevidsthed og udtryksfulde bevægelser.
Få indblik i den historiske og kunstneriske kontekst bag hvert nummer.
Bliv del af et fantastisk fællesskab
Tirsdage fra 17:00-18:00 // Miss Christina Mai
Learn the Choreo is for you who want to step into the glamorous world of burlesque and master the iconic choreographies of Sweet Burlesque. Designed for dancers of all levels, this team promises an exciting journey through timeless numbers such as "Moonglove", "Cherry Pie", "Sail", "Copacabana", "Filthy", "Candy Man", og "Stepping out". Here you get the chance to experience or re-live the years of Sweet Burlesque through the most iconic choreographies of it’s history.
6 May: Stepping Out - Tony award (Hat, cane, chair)
13 May: Sail (Chair & Stockings)
20 May: Cherry Pie (Gloves & Stockings)
27 May: Moonglove (Boa)
3 june: Copacabana (Feahter Fan)
10 june: Candy man (Cane)
17 june: Rock DJ (Gloves)
24 june: Filthy (Panel skirt)
Why you should join:
Master the classic burlesque choreographies from Sweet Burlesque.
Improve body awareness and expressive movements.
Gain insight into the historical and artistic context behind each issue.
Become part of a great community
Tuesdays from 17:00-18:00 // Miss Christina Mai
Full season (May 5th- June 28th): 850 ddk
Drop in: 125 DDK
Level: All
*Open for all genders
English below//
Learn the Choreo er det ultimative dansehold for dem, der ønsker at træde ind i den glamourøse verden af burlesque og mestre de ikoniske koreografier fra Sweet Burlesque. Dette hold er designet til dansere på alle niveauer og lover en spændende rejse gennem tidløse numre som "Moonglove", "Cherry Pie", "Sail", "Copacabana", "Filthy", "Candy Man", og "Stepping out". Her får du mulighed for at opleve eller genopleve historien om Sweet Burlesque via de mest ikoniske koreografier gennem tiden.
6 maj: Stepping Out - Tony award (Hat, stok, stol)
13 maj: Sail (stol og selvsiddende strømper)
20 maj: Cherry Pie (Handsker og selvsiddende strømper)
27 maj: Moonglove (Boa)
3 juni: Copacabana (Fjer vifter)
10 juni: Candy man (Stok)
17 juni: Rock DJ (Handsker)
24 juni: Filthy (Panel skirt)
Hvorfor vælger dette hold?
Lær de ikoniske burlesque koreografier fra Sweet Burlesque.
Forbedre kropsbevidsthed og udtryksfulde bevægelser.
Få indblik i den historiske og kunstneriske kontekst bag hvert nummer.
Bliv del af et fantastisk fællesskab
Tirsdage fra 17:00-18:00 // Miss Christina Mai
Learn the Choreo is for you who want to step into the glamorous world of burlesque and master the iconic choreographies of Sweet Burlesque. Designed for dancers of all levels, this team promises an exciting journey through timeless numbers such as "Moonglove", "Cherry Pie", "Sail", "Copacabana", "Filthy", "Candy Man", og "Stepping out". Here you get the chance to experience or re-live the years of Sweet Burlesque through the most iconic choreographies of it’s history.
6 May: Stepping Out - Tony award (Hat, cane, chair)
13 May: Sail (Chair & Stockings)
20 May: Cherry Pie (Gloves & Stockings)
27 May: Moonglove (Boa)
3 june: Copacabana (Feahter Fan)
10 june: Candy man (Cane)
17 june: Rock DJ (Gloves)
24 june: Filthy (Panel skirt)
Why you should join:
Master the classic burlesque choreographies from Sweet Burlesque.
Improve body awareness and expressive movements.
Gain insight into the historical and artistic context behind each issue.
Become part of a great community
Tuesdays from 17:00-18:00 // Miss Christina Mai
Full season (May 5th- June 28th): 850 ddk
Drop in: 125 DDK
Level: All
*Open for all genders
English below//
Learn the Choreo er det ultimative dansehold for dem, der ønsker at træde ind i den glamourøse verden af burlesque og mestre de ikoniske koreografier fra Sweet Burlesque. Dette hold er designet til dansere på alle niveauer og lover en spændende rejse gennem tidløse numre som "Moonglove", "Cherry Pie", "Sail", "Copacabana", "Filthy", "Candy Man", og "Stepping out". Her får du mulighed for at opleve eller genopleve historien om Sweet Burlesque via de mest ikoniske koreografier gennem tiden.
6 maj: Stepping Out - Tony award (Hat, stok, stol)
13 maj: Sail (stol og selvsiddende strømper)
20 maj: Cherry Pie (Handsker og selvsiddende strømper)
27 maj: Moonglove (Boa)
3 juni: Copacabana (Fjer vifter)
10 juni: Candy man (Stok)
17 juni: Rock DJ (Handsker)
24 juni: Filthy (Panel skirt)
Hvorfor vælger dette hold?
Lær de ikoniske burlesque koreografier fra Sweet Burlesque.
Forbedre kropsbevidsthed og udtryksfulde bevægelser.
Få indblik i den historiske og kunstneriske kontekst bag hvert nummer.
Bliv del af et fantastisk fællesskab
Tirsdage fra 17:00-18:00 // Miss Christina Mai
Learn the Choreo is for you who want to step into the glamorous world of burlesque and master the iconic choreographies of Sweet Burlesque. Designed for dancers of all levels, this team promises an exciting journey through timeless numbers such as "Moonglove", "Cherry Pie", "Sail", "Copacabana", "Filthy", "Candy Man", og "Stepping out". Here you get the chance to experience or re-live the years of Sweet Burlesque through the most iconic choreographies of it’s history.
6 May: Stepping Out - Tony award (Hat, cane, chair)
13 May: Sail (Chair & Stockings)
20 May: Cherry Pie (Gloves & Stockings)
27 May: Moonglove (Boa)
3 june: Copacabana (Feahter Fan)
10 june: Candy man (Cane)
17 june: Rock DJ (Gloves)
24 june: Filthy (Panel skirt)
Why you should join:
Master the classic burlesque choreographies from Sweet Burlesque.
Improve body awareness and expressive movements.
Gain insight into the historical and artistic context behind each issue.
Become part of a great community
Tuesdays from 17:00-18:00 // Miss Christina Mai